Jack is a photographer experimenting with participation as a tool to document and share stories of people often dehumanised in our current western society.

Currently based in the UK

+44 (0) 7789095066



On Show


  • Editing Consent, LCC, London, 2023.


  • Selected works from British Farm Worker, at LCC, London, 2023.
  • Within Bounds, group show at Copeland Gallery, Peckham, London, 2023.



Nargin, from the project Lodge, winning image from British Journal of Photography's Portrait of Humanity, 2021.

  • Portrait of Humanity Vol 3, Hoxton Mini Press.
  • Photo 2021, Melbourne, Australia. 
  • Belfast Photo Festival 2021, Northern Ireland.
  • Indian Photography Festival 2021, Hyderabad, India.




Using Format